ReceptXtenders are a product of Gadget Mania Inc
Freeport FL 32439 401-568-9696 p
Why Pull Out The Box?
Use the ¼” ReceptXtenders to shim
out for paneling or ceramic tiles.
Single gang and two gang available.
Use the 3/8” ReceptXtenders to
shim out for ceramic tile or drywall.
Single gang and two gang available.
Use the ½” ReceptXtenders to shim
out for drywall. Single gang and two
gang available.
Use the ¾” ReceptXtenders to shim
out for barn board or ship-lap.
Single gang and two gang available.
Do not be fooled by
Receptxtenders are
the original and still
the best UL Listed
Proudly Made in
the USA
ReceptXtenders Products
Receptacle Box Extenders to Save Your Sockets!
You might have had a remodeling mishap where ceramic tile backsplashes or wall paneling were
laid over the existing electrical outlet boxes, or maybe your drywall wasn’t installed properly,
either way, you’re left with a recessed electrical box that is not flush with the front face of the
wall surface. This is where receptacle outlet box extenders come in to save the day.
Protecting your electrical sockets and securing the wiring inside, box extenders, as the name
suggests, extend the electrical box forward so that it lies flush with the wall surface, as is
required by electrical code. Receptacle box extenders help create a code-compliant enclosure to
secure the wire connections and provide a solid foundation for the receptacle. The patented rear
flange assures ReceptXtenders fit your box. Steel, old work, new work, PVC or any style box
and Receptxtenders fits and meets code.
Buy double and single gang box extenders from ReceptXtenders today!